Me being lazy again... here's a report from Colin instead:
Morning Everybody....
How's everyone going?, I hope you all had good
Christmas New Year thingy parties and such.....
Its got rather cold here, not really surprising
really, but there you go, It snowed on the 2nd, and a
bit more since then as well, so now its very white in
places, and very filthy and brown and slushy in
others. Lots of fun for riding around in, speciallly
when I pinch Elena's mountain bike. My 25 year old
ladies bike doesn't hold on the slush quite as well as
her big fat tires....still, in a way its more fun on
my bike coz theres a bit more sliding.....All the
lakes and such are frozen here too, which is cool.
There's a soccer field near us which is very poorly
drained, so is always covered in water, which is now
frozen, so people go skating on it, not now though
coz its covered in a foot of snow so you can't see
where the ice is.......
anyhoo, other than staying inside, I'm not up to much
at the moment............looking forward to traveling
around soon ,then coming home. Still not sure exactly
when I'll have a party.....that dependsa bit on you Mr
Watson, and when you're going of to the wild west, let
me know what your plans are, and assuming that Mr
Watson ignores my request like he did last time, maybe
Mr Scott or Mr Whitford or anyone else who sees him
might give him a gentle reminder......
OK Seeyallater
the Dread Pirate Rogerson
Lord of the High Seas
Queen of Australia
P.S. There have been certain parties questioning my
claim to the queenshipness of Australia, anyone else
who has a problem with it may wish to join Mr Allen in
challenging me to a dual at the abovementioned party.